Does your Roofing in Loveland or Fort Collins have Icicles?

Fall has finally arrived, which only means that snow is definitely on its way, and fast! Colorado is known for crazy and unpredictable weather. In fact, the mountains of the beautiful Colorado Rockies are covered with snow caps that makes everyone’s morning drive a little bit more enjoyable. Although snow covered mountains are gorgeous they are only a reminder to us in Loveland and Fort Collins that snow is going to hit us sooner than later. With that in mind, do you know what kind of shape the roofing on your home is in? Roofing in Fort Collins and Loveland is more important than you may think and below is one reason why.

Let’s face it, icicles hanging off of the side of your roof are gorgeous and if you have kids, they will be bugging you to grab one so that they can have an icicle pop! Although the cheery and wintery scene that they create dangling from your roof and gutters is pretty, it can be an awful sign of a problem that you need to be aware of. If you are seeing big icicles take over the outskirts of your roof on your home, then it is a big possibility that you may have a poor insulation problem. Poor insulation leads to many unwanted problems, especially in the depth of winter in Colorado. If poor insulation is a problem that you are having, you could be experiencing a colder living space because warm air is more likely to leak out. Keep following our blog series to learn how the icicles form because of faulty insulation.