The Importance of Summer Roof Maintenance

We know it is summer and you want to be out having fun and not doing maintenance on your roof! Your local Fort Collins roofing company has a few summer roof maintenance tips that will only take you a couple of hours and could save you from costly roof repairs in the future.

The Importance Of Summer Roofing Maintenance

Summer brings challenging weather conditions such as high heat, humidity, pounding rain, thunderstorms, and heavy winds. Taking the time to perform some quick checks of your roof and minor roofing system maintenance does three important things for you:

It makes sure your roof is up to the task of handling heat and extreme thunderstorms.
It makes sure your roof is in good operating condition.
It makes sure you are on track to meet the life expectancy of your roof.

Summer Roofing Maintenance To Do List

Inspect your roof with a complete walk around from the ground, looking for shingle life, missing shingles, cracked or dented shingles, moss or any type of fungal growth, debris that has gathered in corners, and roof damage of any kind.
Inspect the metal strips around the chimney, skylight, satellite dish, or anything else that sticks out. Flashing often loosens during harsh weather and over time.
Check the underside of eaves to look for debris and remove it.
Check for loose gutters and tighten all bolts making certain all gutters are properly angled to divert water away from the roof.
Clean out gutters and downspouts. After cleaning the gutters run water through them to ensure water flows freely without leaks.

If you are short on time, your local roofer in Fort Collins can easily schedule an appointment to inspect your roof and make sure it is ready for summer so you don’t have to!